Monday, 23 November 2009

Club Candy

I had a great weekend catching up with friends and seeing some friends of old that I'd not seen for over a year, whilst engaging in my residency at Rhyme & Slang @ Public Life on Saturday... I would have ended up at Egg after as well had my mate Fiona not been clobberd over the head by some twat with an obsession for leopard print and an over tense need to have SPACE on the dancefloor. Does she not realise that Public Life + Dubstep + Harvard Bass + Me = Carnage , pushing and sweatyness.
Anyway... time for some new tunes to wet your appetites for the coming weekend!

Riton & Primary 1 - Radiates
Now living up to Who's There as a follow up single is quite something to achieve, but make no mistake this is a brilliantly written tune. With Riton on instrumental duties and Primary 1 sporting some cleaver vocals, the duo have done it again. The video isn't half bad either.

Mom & Dad - The Whole Sh-Bang (Harvard Bass Remix)
I think I am actually in love with this American producer at the moment. His cuts are so fresh and his beats so divine... I do believe its love at first hark. You think something massive is coming in the drop, but it's more than big, it's also clever and it's cunning!

Solo - Minimood (Round Table Knights Remix)
Solo is the absolute final word in potent tropical techno right now, but RTK's have just added a little bounce to the picture, and created something that not only smells good, but feels good too. Warning: Only to be taken in small doses and never more than eight times a day.

Youri Donatz & Franky Ricardo - I Like This Sound
You know it's funny how much a  song can change once the tiniest of vocals has been added. Just think of Crookers - Knobbers... without the inaugural  "Now Push It" it would sound a bit pointless. The same concept applies to this tune... and don't that deep voiced individual just know it ;)

Drop The Lime - Devil's Eyes (Kanji Kanetic's B-Live Mix)
Here we have something a little bit filthier, but still carrying that trademark Kanji sound that I adored back at the start of 2009. Despite there being somewhat of a lack of this style of music in my collection, I can help but smile every time I hear it.

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